Gusset Tee Outside Lid
QuickFix Cable Trunking is a complete range of rapid installation trunking and fittings manufactured to industry standards and finishes described below.
- The lid incorporates a quick action metal locking device operated by a slotted stud. The slot indicates the position of the locking bar. (Note: lid is secured using turnbuckle type fastener)
- Bends, Elbows, Tees and Intersection Boxes are complete with integral couplers.
- Bends, Tees, Intersections, etc., can be supplied complete with Dividing Fillets.
- In Tees with Top Lids and in Intersection Boxes, Cross-over Bridges are fitted.
- Special fittings such as OffSets, Risers, Unequal Tees and Bends can be made to order.
- All dimensions relate to the inside measurements
- For alternative lids, material configurations and sizes larger than 9″x9″ please contact your nearest Unitrunk depot and ask about our Non-Standard Trunking Range.

Product Highlights
6X Faster installation
The innovative design of the QuickFix system and Unibolt fixings reduce installation times by as much as 80%
Additional components are not required with the easy to assemble system